1st Set:
Go through this twice with as little rest between sets as possible, move from exercise to exercise quick!
Pushups on Weights :30
Mountain Climbers on Med Ball 1:00
Plank to Pushup R :30
Plank to Pushup L :30
Plank Taps :30
Tricep Pushups :30
2nd Set: Go through this twice
Squat Hammer Curl and Press 10 lbs 1:00
Lateral Step-Ups R 1:00 w 10 lb weights
Lateral Step-Ups L 1:00 w 10b weights
Alternating Reverse Lunge with Kick Forward with 10lb weights 1:00
Walking Lunge with a Pulse with 10lb weights 2:00
3rd Set: go through this twice
Frog Squat with a Row 25lb Kettle Bell 1:00
Squat Jumps on Bosu 1:00
1:00Deadlift 2 15lb weights
Weighted Jump Rope 1:00
4th Set: go through this twice
Squat and Press KB R :30
Swoop Lunge R :30
squat and press KB L :30
Swoop Lunge L :30
Full Sit Ups with 10lb KB 1:00
Tap for Toes :30
Quick Bike 1:00
Good Luck!!