Thursday, September 14, 2017

Low Impact/ During Pregnancy Workouts

I work with so many women who are going through fertility treatments and do not want to stop working out when they have strict limitations. 

These workouts are low impact, will keep your muscles toned, and when your doctor clears you- You will not start from the beginning! Just do what you can, and always listen to doctors limitations! 

Workout 1: Go through 2-3 times as quick as you can. Whatever you have time for
*Need 5 LB weights*

20 Modified Pushups
50 Rapid Fire from your knees 5 lb weights (punch straight out)
10 Plank to Pushup R (Push up with R hand back down with R hand)-Hips still
10 Plank to Pushup L (Push up with L hand back down with L hand)- Hips still
50 Tricep Dips
20 Squat and Press 5 lb weights (squat then shoulder press weights over head)
50 Toes Out Low Pulses with 5 lb weights at chest
20 Toes Out Squat and Press with 5 lb weights 

Workout 2: Go through 2-3 times as quick as you can. Whatever you have time for. 
*Need 5 LB weights*

20 Basic Squats with 5 lb weights at chest
20 Lateral Lunges R with 5 lb weights at chest (feet wider than shoulder width, sink down to R, keep weight in heels)
20 Lateral Lunges L with 5 lb weights at chest (feet wider than shoulder width, sink down to L, keep weight in heels)
20 Walking Skaters with weights at chest (step R drop L foot back, Step L drop R foot back)
50 Toes Out Squatted Shoulder Press- Hold low squat, toes out and shoulder press
20 Tricep Over Head w 5 lb weights (hold weights over head drop behind head and back up)
20 Palms up Bicep Curls 5 lb weights (hold arms out to side chest level curl in to head and back out)
20 Tricep Over Head w 5 lb weights 
20 Out and Back R, 20 Glute Pulse R (on all 4’s lift leg out and up, and then just pulse up)

20 Out and Back L, 20 Glute Pulse L )on all 4’s lift leg out and up, and then just pulse up)


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